13 Aug Is there a difference between the performance of a world-class champion and the performance of a CEO?
Is there a difference between a top athlete and a businessman? and between the performance of a world-class champion and the performance of a CEO?
Performance in sport and at work is a matter of “internal state”. Therefore, in order to optimize performance in the world of sport and in the world of work, it is necessary to choose an internal state which gives access to the maximum available resources at the level of the unconscious. Some people do this consciously because they have learned to select an internal state suited to the situation, and other people do this unknowingly by repeating “unconscious rituals.” The immense and extraordinary power of unconscious processes often seems unattainable when they are within reach.
Find out more, read our article on the Monde Economique: https://www.monde-economique.ch/voici-pourquoi-la-performance-au-travail-est-une-question-d-etat-interne/